The metaverse: a lost illusion?

Représentation du métavers

Since the beginning of 2022, the metaverse has been the talk of the town. Firstly, there’s a deep-seated enthusiasm for this technological revolution, which few people really understand. It should bring about a transformation in our relationships with others, followed by weariness and a crying lack of interest on the part of consumers. A transformation of this revolution is therefore necessary to succeed in truly integrating this Virtual World into our Real World and, ultimately, arousing everyone’s curiosity.

To exist, the Virtual World must be able to replace the Real World

First and foremost, it’s essential to remember that the ambition of metavers is not to develop a life parallel to real life, but to blend the two worlds. This virtual universe should permeate our daily lives, opening up a host of new opportunities in a variety of sectors. In this sense, and largely because it was the trend, many brands have positioned themselves on the subject of metavers, with more or less mixed results for each of them. And yet, we can’t help noticing that the metavers craze in France is as intense as it is short-lived. Few of us really understand how the metaverse will actually materialize in “real life”, but above all, what added value does it bring to our world?

What’s more, the lack of interest is compounded by a number of factors that worry future users: impact on mental health, lack of regulation to prevent behavioral excesses, fears for personal safety…

However, there’s no such thing as a single definition of metavers, or a “2022 version” of metavers, as Meta would have us believe. An open metavers accessible to all is indeed feasible, even if it will undoubtedly take time. It’s up to us tech professionals to demonstrate that a different conception of metavers is possible, by creating finer points between the virtual and real worlds.

Infusing the virtual into the real: the challenge of the metaverse

Artificial intelligence surely has an essential role to play in the evolution of metavers, in order to help as many people as possible adopt this new universe. Professionals in the sector have to succeed in competing with the imaginary, when on the other hand we are intrinsically constrained by the real.

After the initial excitement, it’s now time to question and challenge the technological revolution. In fact, it’s vital to create connections between the two worlds by first digitizing the real environment. If we succeed in superimposing virtual elements in the real environment, recreating interaction in the virtual, then we’ll arouse people’s curiosity and interest.

To achieve this, a number of obstacles need to be overcome. First and foremost, all digital equipment (glasses, lenses, phones, etc.) must be able to evolve to adapt to this transformation. Artificial intelligence will also have to keep pace with this evolution, recognizing shapes and objects to create those famous connections between the real and the virtual. The more powerful the algorithms, capable of adapting to any type of object anywhere in the world, the closer the link between the real and the virtual will be, and the greater the interest for the end user. Finally, it’s essential to create innovative software applications for these users, with a real value proposition to get them to use them. The combination of these 3 elements will enable metavers to be used on a massive scale. Metavers should be seen as an extension of social networks to individuals. So, if people see the value of the metavers technological revolution, then brands will too.

The glass ceiling needs to be broken to remove the brakes, and only Artificial Intelligence can help us do that.

It’s an opportunity for French industry players to get to grips with the subject and put forward OUR vision of metavers!