How does EasyPicky adapt to field constraints?

At EasyPicky, we’ve developed a highly versatile solution helping you save time and optimize your in-store workload.
No more time-consuming tedious tasks!
Our solution is particularly well adapted to any on-site constraints including:
– Congested aisles
– Reflections on glass
– Poorly arranged or turned products on shelves
Congested aisles
You’ve got to carry out a supermarket shelf inventory, but there are so many people you’re not sure how you’ll manage. The aisles are congested, customers keep walking in front of the shelves and you’re wasting valuable time.
Thanks to our cutting-edge technology, our app immediately recognizes every single product, even if someone walks in front of the shelf.
Reflections on glass
You want to take a product inventory photo, but the reflection from the glass is making it impossible. You’ve tried several times, but nothing works. t’s making you late and the inventory reports aren’t acceptable.
It’s making you late and the inventory reports aren’t acceptable. Our app immediately recognizes every product, even those in fridges, you can easily make an inventory of your chilled products, even if there is a significant reflection on the glass.
Poorly arranged or turned products on shelves
You know this situation well: you’re in front of a wall of references and you’ve got to arrange all the products before you can even start recording the inventory accurately. You launch your app, but then realize some products aren’t facing you.
Not a problem our ground-breaking image recognition technology is powerful enough to handle this situation, even for those facing the wrong way.